What do I do with a pet trading card?
Use your trading card to make new friends by handing them out. Give one to your veterinarian, your groomer, your mailman, your co-workers, your doggy daycare, your pet sitter – they will certainly remember YOUR super-star pet their own trading card.
If your pet has a specialty trading card, like Halloween, give them out instead of candy – or to spread the LOVE on Valentine’s Day. Howliday trading cards are also great inserts for your Season’s Greetings!
Any photo advice?
Take a photo of your pet being him or herself. Do they like to play outside? Do they go on hikes? Maybe they are a couch potato. Whatever their favorite activities are, catch them being their loveable self.
Try to get a close-up photo that includes their face, and then another photo of their full body. You’ll have to wait until after a fun activity when they tend to be more still. If you have someone with you, have them stand just behind you so the photographer can focus on the picture, but your helper can call your pet so they will look at the camera. Don’t be afraid to make yourself silly or make funny sounds…that’s what grabs the pet’s attention.
Here at Toki Poki, we LOOOOVE to play dress-up: outfits, bandanas, hats, costumes…even sunglasses! Show off Fifi, Fido, Ferret, Fishy and Feathers fun personality.
What should I write for the bio?
Only YOU know your pet, but try to think of their favorite activities. What are their favorite treats or toys? Do they snore when they sleep? Maybe they have a best buddy. Sometimes they have a favorite napping place or funny way they eat their food. Be sure to brag if they hold any credentials! Try your best and our editing team will polish it up! You will get to view the proof for approval or changes.
How long does it take to get my order?
After receiving your pet trading card order, we design the card, send your proof for approval by email or text, and then send it out for printing. When the finished trading cards are ready, we package them up and ship them out. You’ll receive an email notification when they’re on their way. The entire process can take 6-10 days.
Is it possible to expedite my order?
It is possible to expedite your order but it depends on several variables and additional rush fees. We suggest you call the Toki Poki PetQuarters at 213.973.8654 before placing your order.
What does "Do the Toki Poki" mean?
Toki Poki was the nickname of the founder’s dog. Click here to meet Toki, our Boston Terrier muse.
“Do The Toki Poki” is a state-of-mind. It embodies the feeling of our love for our pets and how we share our everyday lives with them. We encourage you to post photos of your pet handing out their trading card on social media – use the handle #dothetokipoki
How does my trading card go to the hospitals?
When placing your order, you will have an opportunity to pawticipate in our children’s hospital deliveries. With specific trading card themes, we order hundreds more above the quantity you selected. Your trading card will be included in packs that are assembled with other pets’ cards with love at Toki Poki Petquarters and then shipped to several children’s hospitals around the country.
How are pet trading cards used in a hospital?
Kids in hospitals usually can’t have Halloween candy or Valentine’s sweets as they heal or recover, but all kids LOVE to see pets on trading cards. They read them, trade them and collect them. We know we are putting BIG smiles on those kiddos faces when we send them Toki Poki Pet Trading Cards.
How do I #dothetokipoki in my neighborhood?
Trading cards featuring pets are an excellent means to raise awareness about our furry companions in the neighborhood. They serve as fantastic icebreakers when introducing your family and pets to your neighbors – and a great first impression!
Your pet’s trading card allows you to emphasize that they should not be seen outside alone. This ensures their well-being and helps foster a sense of community responsibility for pet care and safety.