Christy Myhre
Christy is the founder, beating heart, and tireless dedication behind Toki Poki and it’s mission to make kids smile with pet trading cards. Christy is pack leader, graphic design artist, fervent philanthropist and constant, hopeful soul. She is Mom to her bonus daughter, Summer, and her furkids Franki and Bini, as well as her Angels, Toki, Petey & Cricket. Christy and her pack love to dream up crazy ideas, tinker in the shop, travel, garden, eat frozen yogurt and meet new people and their pets. It was Christy’s promise to her Boston Terrier, Toki that started the rage… find out more.

Franki is our activities director and also believes that she is the security officer. Our tomboy is a natural-born explorer who enjoys naps in the sun and day-dreaming. Her playful, yet gentle demeanor makes it easy to attract and encourage new friends to join the fun! She is confident in her skills, and ready to take on any challenge... or squirrel.

Bini is our heLICKopter pilot with a tongue like a propeller and our eye in the sky – controlling traffic and play patterns. Bini is most definitely a girly-girl who loves to wear dresses and dive under the covers for a nap. But watch out when this cautious but competitive girl commits to the chaos... she transforms from the caretaker to the pawty animal!

Toki Myhre
Angel Toki is the founder of Toki Poki and uses her spirit to guide us to this day. She lived her life as a big dog in a small body. Her adventures and travels took her all over the country, making countless friends and furiends along the way. She loved NYC and was once spotted in Times Square showing off her dance moves to Michael Jackson! Toki was the sweetest girl and always took the time to plant a kiss on any willing cheek! Rest in peace, our fearless Toki and true superhero – she earned her wings in July 2015.

Steve Tyo
Super Steve is always there to help with the big projects and heavy lifting, and not afraid to lay on the floor to be slobbered in dog kisses. Steve is doting Dad to his daughter, Summer, and all his furkids. Steve is Christy’s one-and-only, racing from one project to another fully supporting the cause to make kids (of all ages) smile.

Matt Kenna
Matt is our super-cool jack-of-all-trades for Toki Poki who lives out West. Matt loves music so you’ll find him at festivals and concerts all over the country. We call Matt our pet whisperer - he can calm the snarliest of snarls in any dog and flutter the purrs of any kitty. Many of Matt's pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge are Toki Poki Memorial members, including Damien, Jesse, Belle, Tuckerby, Chester and Tess.

Michelle Romano
Michelle fulfills numerous roles and is an invaluable asset to our team. She is a caretaker for all pets and their people...always dependable and incredibly skilled. Her cherished canine companions, Angel Yeti and Angel Emma, would peacefully snooze beneath her desk until it was time for some lively yappy hour fun! She adores feline friends at home: Josie, Roxie, Ralphaele, and Dottie, as well as her beloved Angel cat, Sophie.

Angel Petey was a Boston Terrier rescue who loved to patrol his backyard for lizards, supervise his sisters and was ready for a car ride at any moment. Petey could ‘leap tall buildings with a single bound’ whenever he heard the snack bag. As the Chief Executive Dog of Toki Poki, he usually oversaw all business from the sofa, and prefered the title, “Lord Commander of the Couch.” He took great pride in his daily duties of coordinating the lunch meetings. Petey earned his wings in November 2023.

Angel Cricket was a Boston Terrier rescue - a true survivor who endured the hot desert of Vegas before being rescued. This smart and tough little girl loved to snack and prance around with her toys. She loved to sunbathe and hang out with her brother, Petey in their yard. When she was done romping around, she would cleverly cover herself up with a soft blanket and take a nap. Rest in peace, our sweet Cricket – she earned her wings and halo in February 2018.